If you come to our garden, the biggest feature I have to work with is the view we have of the waterfall. This is taken from directly in front of our house and only the bushes in the foreground are part of the garden. This means that for one aspect of the garden the plants have to be low growing. The hedge in the foreground is about 1 meter tall and I have to keep this trimmed to keep the view when sitting in the lounge. The building just the other side of the hedge is our neighbours, so having a hedge is necessary to block this roof out.
The hedge is made of two plants, Rosemary and Hebe, I hope to name these in the future.
One problem I have is that I have a grape vine which 'leans' on this hedge in the summer and I can't find any information about this on the Internet, but it seems to kill the rosemary. I have lost two bushes and have one very ill one at the moment.
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